602 308 9394 moylanryan@gmail.com


“Given the choice, a body will choose ease over dis-ease” - Ida Rolf
- Ida Rolf

History of Rolfing

Rolfing was created over fifty years ago by Ida P. Rolf,PhD (1896 - 1979) It is both a systematic approach to releasing stress patterns and dysfunction in the body’s structure and an educational process of understanding the relationship between gravity and the human body.

Dr Rolf viewed the body as an architectural unit made up of several segments - head, shoulders, chest, pelvis and legs. The position of each one is relevant to the others and is determined by the length and tone of muscles and fascia. When the segments are out of balance or misaligned, the body is forced to move in a limited or distorted manner.

The area that can’t respond to a demand for movement has to be compensated for by a part or parts that can. This type of adjustment calls for greater effort and energy to overcome the force of gravity, since gravity doesn’t properly support and propel a disorganized structure.

By manipulating the highly pliant connective tissue, so that it lengthens and glides instead of shortens and adheres, Rolfers assist your body to reorganize it’s major segments into vertical alignment. When these body segments are balanced around a particular central vertical axis, your body can function with the most mechanical efficiency and ease.

History of Rolfing

Rolfing was created over fifty years ago by Ida P. Rolf,PhD (1896 - 1979) It is both a systematic approach to releasing stress patterns and dysfunction in the body’s structure and an educational process of understanding the relationship between gravity and the human body.

Dr Rolf viewed the body as an architectural unit made up of several segments - head, shoulders, chest, pelvis and legs. The position of each one is relevant to the others and is determined by the length and tone of muscles and fascia. When the segments are out of balance or misaligned, the body is forced to move in a limited or distorted manner.

The area that can’t respond to a demand for movement has to be compensated for by a part or parts that can. This type of adjustment calls for greater effort and energy to overcome the force of gravity, since gravity doesn’t properly support and propel a disorganized structure.

By manipulating the highly pliant connective tissue, so that it lengthens and glides instead of shortens and adheres, Rolfers assist your body to reorganize it’s major segments into vertical alignment. When these body segments are balanced around a particular central vertical axis, your body can function with the most mechanical efficiency and ease.

How Transformational Rolfing can help you…

Enhance flexibility and encourage more fluid movement
Improve your balance and postural alignment
Expand energy, vitality and aliveness
Decrease pain and stiffness in your body
Enhance your sense of wellbeing
Improve athletic performance and recovery
Gain freedom from chronic pain
Improve recovery from injuries and surgeries
Increase length and ease in your body
Decrease high levels of stress and tension
Experience fuller and easier breathing
Live in the fullness of your true capacity.

How Transformational Rolfing can help you…

Enhance flexibility and encourage more fluid movement
Improve your balance and postural alignment
Expand energy, vitality and aliveness
Decrease pain and stiffness in your body
Enhance your sense of wellbeing
Improve athletic performance and recovery
Gain freedom from chronic pain
Improve recovery from injuries and surgeries
Increase length and ease in your body
Decrease high levels of stress and tension
Experience fuller and easier breathing
Live in the fullness of your true capacity.

The Fascia Connection

To fully understand the process, it helps to learn about fascia, the connective tissue that directly affects your nervous system.

Fascia is a plastic like tissue that wraps the nervous system and muscles and all the fibers that become muscle. It is like a multi-layer body stocking, wrapping muscles and nerves, weaving in layers throughout the body.

In its optimal condition, fascia is loose and moist, and facilitates movement and flexibility of both body and mind.

However, due to chronic physical or emotional stress, lack of movement, or physical trauma, the fascia can become rigid and lose its flexibility.

This results in fascial layers sticking to one another, often causing “knots”, pain, adhesions or restriction of flow movement.

Negative thought patterns that stimulate your nervous system can effect your fascia, increasing levels of collagen production that lead to greater rigidity in your tissues.

Such rigidity restricts movement patterns, you become caught in a web of contraction and learn to live and accept physical and mental discomfort as your norm.

Your body being out of balance is often a reflection of your life being the same. You unconsciously react to the simple force of gravity as a stressor, and become even more imbalanced and rigid. This unconscious reaction becomes habituated, inclining you to become defined in a continuous loop of physical and emotional reactive patterns that have become established in both your body and mind. You become destined to live in a shape where you continuously Re - Act a limiting script that is never changing.

To break this Re-Active cycle we realign the body by releasing the rigidity from the connective tissue, facilitating change of the patterns that caused that rigidity and imbalance in the first place.

We initiate dialogue and mindful introspection to raise awareness of the impact that conditioned limiting beliefs and attitudes have had on both your physical and emotional body.

The Fascia Connection

To fully understand the process, it helps to learn about fascia, the connective tissue that directly affects your nervous system.

Fascia is a plastic like tissue that wraps the nervous system and muscles and all the fibers that become muscle. It is like a multi-layer body stocking, wrapping muscles and nerves, weaving in layers throughout the body.

In its optimal condition, fascia is loose and moist, and facilitates movement and flexibility of both body and mind.

However, due to chronic physical or emotional stress, lack of movement, or physical trauma, the fascia can become rigid and lose its flexibility.

This results in fascial layers sticking to one another, often causing “knots”, pain, adhesions or restriction of flow movement.

Negative thought patterns that stimulate your nervous system can effect your fascia, increasing levels of collagen production that lead to greater rigidity in your tissues.

Such rigidity restricts movement patterns, you become caught in a web of contraction and learn to live and accept physical and mental discomfort as your norm.

Your body being out of balance is often a reflection of your life being the same. You unconsciously react to the simple force of gravity as a stressor and become even more imbalanced and rigid. This unconscious reaction becomes habituated, inclining you to become defined in a continuous loop of physical and emotional reactive patterns that have become established in both your body and mind. You become destined to live in a shape where you continuously Re - Act a limiting script that is never changing.

To break this Re-Active cycle we realign the body by releasing the rigidity from the connective tissue, facilitating change of the patterns that caused that rigidity and imbalance in the first place.

We initiate dialogue and mindful introspection to raise awareness of the impact that conditioned limiting beliefs and attitudes have had on both your physical and emotional body.

Our work together is to liberate your true self . . .
. . . and you’re reason for being.

Our work together is to liberate your true self . . . . . . and you’re reason for being.

The Program

This life-changing Rolfing program is customized to guarantee total transformation. Built from a base of foundational bodywork sessions, the program is designed for your specific goals.

Includes fascial manipulation, mind body awareness and explorative dialogue focusing on improving posture, flexibility and mindset.

Dialogue is used to assist you in becoming aware of emotional stress that is related to embodied tension, dysfunctional breathing and limiting range of motion.

As your body changes so does your attitude. You may find yourself relaxed, open and responsive rather than tense, resistant and reactive.

Connecting with your core tends to awaken a deeper sense of autonomy and a willingness to embrace change that will positively affect your future. Your new found flexibility will allow you to stretch rather than shrink in life.
Continuous support is offered through movement education and breath work training.

Reshaping your Body / Mind through the process of releasing long held contractions, emotions, mental constructs and narratives about how you appear in the world is pivotal to the transformation process.

Together, we align how you act,  perceive,  think,  feel, sense and express who it is you are committing to be in each present moment of your life.

The Program

This life-changing Rolfing program is customized to guarantee total transformation. Built from a base of foundational bodywork sessions, the program is designed for your specific goals.

Includes fascial manipulation, mind body awareness and explorative dialogue focusing on improving posture, flexibility and mindset.

Dialogue is used to assist you in becoming aware of emotional stress that is related to embodied tension, dysfunctional breathing and limiting range of motion.

As your body changes so does your attitude. You may find yourself relaxed, open and responsive rather than tense, resistant and reactive.

Connecting with your core tends to awaken a deeper sense of autonomy and a willingness to embrace change that will positively affect your future. Your new found flexibility will allow you to stretch rather than shrink in life.
Continuous support is offered through movement education and breath work training.

Reshaping your Body / Mind through the process of releasing long held contractions, emotions, mental constructs and narratives about how you appear in the world is pivotal to the transformation process.

Together, we align how you act,  perceive,  think,  feel, sense and express who it is you are committing to be in each present moment of your life.
