602 308 9394 moylanryan@gmail.com


I first met Moylan when he was working with our team during spring training at the Talking Stick Arena. I saw how much improvement his approach was able to bring to the performance of my fellow players. I decided to go through a series of Rolfing sessions and Movement Education that helped me experience a greater range of motion and ease in my performance as a professional player.
Aaron Hill

Arizona Diamondbacks

I completed a series of Rolfing sessions. I could not have chosen a more dedicated, supportive, knowledgeable, and integrous practitioner than Moylan Ryan! As my body began its journey of unwinding, he gently guided me through each stage of the process and taught me how to support my body on every level. His ever-present demeanor, deep care for his clients, incredible knowledge of the body, and un­wavering support of body-mind alignment, makes Moylan a cut above the rest! From my very first session, I found him to be trusting, open, intuitive, and of the highest integrity. He is a gentle soul who embodies everything he teaches, and I am forever grateful for his help and support of my own souIful journey. Thank-you, Moylan, for being a beacon of light and serving humanity through your incredible gifts!

Michelle Adams

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